Sunday, June 22, 2008

"Ala la ketchup"

Here is some more pictures taken on our last trip to California.
We went to a flea marked in Long Beach on a frying hot sunday! We didn't buy anything because it was too hot and we knew that we already had to much crap in our suitcases...but if I had lived in the states...then I would have bought TONS of crap!! Maybe it is a good thing that I don't live there because my house would end up looking like a flea marked if I could buy all that stuff. But damn!!! Everything from old frames in all sizes to stupid statues and cool old furnitures and just random old looking crap that just looked cool! Ohh well!!!

1 comment:

  1. Åh, hvem der bare kunne have slæbt alt det fine skrammel med hjem...
