Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Busy busy bee!

Sorry! Not much time to talk! I am supposed to do like a 1000 things but I feel that I better update my blog aswell! So here we go...the speed version:

Our good friend Sid from Santa Ana finally made it to Denmark so we could repay a bit of the hospitality he has given us!! Good times! Unfortunatly he could only stay a few days but we had fun. Not much seightseeing but we did manage to watch 2 seasons of Weeds in two days! Yes sir!

Here is todays piece. Not much to say about it other than a fun piece to do so here it is. To be continued in a month!
Just to mention a few of the things that takes my time away from blogging is finishing my tshirts designs, finish my flash set that I am doing with Hunter Spanks (who will come next week) make poster for Evian convention 2009, Present for Henning Jørgensen (late for that one) and I also have a bunch of ideas for paintings that I want to try out...ohh well!

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