Thursday, October 9, 2008

The chances of anything coming from Mars...

This years London Tattoo convention was as expected busy but fun! We shared the booth with our permanent Convention Buddy Chriss Dettmer...good times!! This yeah we also shared with one more great friend! Kent who works for Tattoo Artist Magazine. When him and Hunter Spanks, who were supposed to work in the TAM booth, got to the convention they found out that something had been mixed up so they didn't have a booth. Hunter got placed in a different booth with a nother tattooer and we decided that Kent just as well could have the magazines in our booth. More good times specially since we normally don't get to hang that much with people. This way we got some hang time while working! To add to the good times we also had Dan Sinnes across from us and Eckel next to him! Weee...

ok I really can't write right now...not fun to read and not that interesting either so here is just some pretty pictures! ...and yes the tattoos is made by me!

Mr. C. Dettmer

Kent Von T.a.m.

Dr. Eckel doing the famous London Pose

I think the banner says it all.

Frauline Morg.

Taking Myspace picture with "fans".

Hunter the Miner doing the London pose

There is more and better Pictures from London on my talented wife's blog so go and check it out.

1 comment:

  1. Whoooaaaaaa WOTW tattoveringen er godt nok sej!
