Thursday, October 16, 2008


Here is Holga on vacation. I took her to the countryside where Amalies parents have their vacation house. It's also close to where I come from.
This is also from the first couple of rolls of 120mm.
I think Holga liked it there.


  1. Fineste!
    Jeg savner ferie. Og landet.

  2. Flotte flotte farver! Jeg føler mig lidt dansker-bleg, måske du ku tage et billede af mig så jeg blev ligeså fin at kigge på!

  3. Brother A, I love your style, you know that...but the Holga thing man...doesn't it make you depressed? I am not talking about the camera (kinda cool, I guess!), no, I am talking about the images that a Holga are capable of producing....make me wanna jump in the nearest dark & muddy half frozen lake (if there was one) to sink down and just die...wet, cold, muddy and lonely at last. Shit, when I die I wanna hang 100 meters up in one foot from a giant red wood in Oregon, slowly moving in the gentle pacific breeze with happy squirrels all around me....but that is another story. Keep on shooting bro, my best to all the danes!


  4. These are fantastic photographs; the single boat is (of course) my favorite. Hope you guys keep up w/the Holga because seems like your subjects & surroundings are really served by it/suited for it.

  5. These are fantastic photographs; the single boat is (of course) my favorite. Hope you guys keep up w/the Holga because seems like your subjects & surroundings are really served by it/suited for it.

  6. terrible! why did this post THREE times? got no reason. please delete extras! sorry!

  7. Ha ha it's ok! Thanks 3 times then!! I will keep up using the Holga. Waiting to get my 35mm Holga films back. So far no good results so I hope the next ones will bring better pictures...or else it is back to good ol expencive 120mm
