Friday, January 2, 2009

Not yet all Lomotastic

I think I was a bit tooooo fast with the 5-rolls-of-lomo-madness!! I just got them back and most of them are too dark. Damn it! I guess that's what's happens when you shoot 5 rolls of film without knowing exactly how it will turn out. Well, lesson learned and I have not lost hope for my new little friend. One more roll will return on monday and with a bit of luck there will be some funny color flash shots on it. Fingers crossed.

Here's a few random shots from the very first test roll.

...more will follow when I have the patience to deal with my crappy scanner that insist on adding dust and scratches instead of removing them. Don't buy HP!


  1. Det kan godt være de ikke er perfkte endnu, men jeg kan nu godt li dem.
    Især lampen.

  2. What type of film are you using?

  3. i guarentee those are better than my lomo attempts will be!

  4. i love the third pic in this post. something about the face peeping through the flowers.its almost creepy but cool!
