Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tatt-Zappin' Austin.

Here is a few pieces done on our last trip to Austin, Texas! You know the place where you can get awesome cowboy boots and where they have Jackalopes and armadillos. Right?

First a few that I did on the Star Of Texas convention.

This next one I did on our good friend Tina who we stayed and worked with. A little tribute to her old dog, Roxy, who now are running in doggy heaven.

This little stomach piece will be finished later on this year. We are gonna add some color and a bit more here and there. Poor Jeff...5 hours!!


  1. ummm that skull stomach piece is effin hot!! i love it!

  2. Austin, Texas is only a 3.5 hour flight from Richmond;) Come 'n' git it!

  3. looks fudging good man!

    //mean beankillingmachine
