Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Sooo...I bet some of you are starting to think if this Uncle Allan guy really is a tattooer or just a freak with a plastic camera. To that I can only answer: Yes....yes to both. I am sorry for the lack of tattoos here on this blog of mine. The last 3 customers I have had here in Japan has all been big pieces that needs to be finished later on this trip so be patient. On friday we will go to Akita where I will do a few quick one shots at Cotton Picking that hopefully will make it to the blog if the north Koreans doesn't shoot us down with their "rockets"...yeah...try Missile...NOT COOL!!!

Anyway...Meanwhile you guys will just have to settle (and deal) with all my stupid picture and there is pleanty of them. There is no stopping me and my Lomo!!

These shots are from our little hometown Koenji.

We live under this little thingy... we just cross our fingers and hope it doesn't fry our brains.

mmmm...Mr. Doughnut.

The view from our front door.


  1. Long time fan of your tattoo work, new fan of your photos! tres bien!

  2. Lomo, Lomo, Lomo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lomo madness. I love it.

  3. Rock !!! Just dropping by to say hi !!! Hope all is good but then it looks like it is so ... Keep at it !!!!! And stay away from falling objects too !!! Very important !!!! But more importantly ............... Come back one day !!!!!

    Ok bye bye now !
