Thursday, August 13, 2009


This clip is not from some police state or some strange republic where the people don't have any rights... this is from last night in Copenhagen, Denmark...where I live.

It will take to long to get into the details of the demonstration and the way I see it, then it doesn't even matter what the course was either (well it did but not for the point here...But that is really really insane so I can't get into that). What scares me here is how brutal and aggressive these militant cops (this is the regular Danish police) are. There is NO excuse for this kind of brutality. NO reason at all.

I have seen many cases of police brutality in person but usually it has been in riot like scenarios or at least demonstrations where there has been something going on where they can hide this kind of behaviour behind the excuse of getting attacked but what is the excuse here. "Well I had to hit that young girl 8 times because she just kept sitting there. I was scared! What could I do?"

I am shocked and ashamed that this is what the Danish Police force is like. This is who they are now. What happened to the nice police officer who is there to protect and serve? Who let the police become a bunch of brutal hooligans who beats up defenceless young people who sits down on the ground just to spray them with pepperspay right in their faces?

There is supposed to be a complaint made out to the police after this but that shouldn't even be necessary...the evidence is right here!! They went too far!! End of story! But as always nothing will happen. It is the police we are talking about...the "law"...if they still remember that there is such a thing.

I know that there is some many worse things going on in the world but these people are the ones who are supposed to protect us and not be our enemy!

Here is another "best of" of our finest!

Angry Uncle!!

Up next...pretty pictures of tattoos and stuff!!


  1. Det er virkelig hårde sager. Jeg fik det fysisk dårligt af at se den video. Og folk undrer sig over hvorfor man ikke har tillid til politiet?!

  2. Wow...what was the demonstration about?

    The Police looks rather desperate in handling such a peaceful situation...this could've gone even more wrong very fast.

  3. Man, that is what I am saying right there........FUCK THE POLICE.......

    I have absolutely no respect for these kind of assholes either. I could keep on spreading my hate and sulfur clad verbal abuse all night to all you UA bloggers ...but I will not....cos I do love my Danish friend UA and all I will give you all from now..."NOW" on is goody good vibrations. Still FTP!


  4. Man, that is what I am saying right there........FUCK THE POLICE.......

    I have absolutely no respect for these kind of assholes either. I could keep on spreading my hate and sulfur clad verbal abuse all night to all you UA bloggers ...but I will not....cos I do love my Danish friend UA and all I will give you all from now..."NOW" on is goody good vibrations. Still FTP!


  5. A.C.A.B !!!!!

    Julimtat2 - Curitiba / Brasil

  6. Wow... This was... A lot more serious than I thought, I hear people complain about police all the time, and in many of the cases people whine about stuff that was fairly deserved. But this was just repulsive... It almost made me sick to see how cowardice they were, how can anyone protest peacefully if they can just hit you, push you, spray shit in your eyes and do whatever they want. The second you fight back they arrest you and put you in jail. It can't possible be alright law-wise that the police can hit people for protesting sitting down?!

    -Jonah PS. Love your work, it's insane!
