Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sad sad xmas.

This years London Convention was supposed to be the big xmas party when it came to merch...and it still will be BUT one of the bigger "presents" will be missing. We were supposed to have the skateboards that Chriss Dettmer and I did for Substance Abuse for sale at the convention but things got screwed up and it was too late. There will still be prints with the awesome designs and tshirts (buddy shirts that will form the skull when you guys stand next to each other) and my new satanic antler lady plus free stickers and new cards and shit so there will be stuff to spend money on.

For those of you, who are within travel distance of the shop, there will boards for sale at the shop later on when we figure out how many to get. If any of you want to reserve a board to make sure to get one then please let me know. Same goes if you want both boards, let me know because I won't get as many Chriss boards as my own so it would be nice to have an idea. So until further notice please let me know if you wanna reserve one. You can leave a comment or write to my mail at onkelallan@gmail.com.

For those of you, who can't drop by the shop and buy one you can order it through this page.

More merch news and stuff soon. I am a bit busy working on getting everything ready for London and have also been trying to get as much done on my dirty antler ladies...2 almost done! Keep swinging by!!


  1. i asked a buddy o' mine who's got a stall at the convention to hook me up with some of ur prints and i'll pay her back, so fingers crossed she gets to you in time!
    have a good one.

  2. det er sgu da mega typisk. Du kan godt skrive mig for et uncle board

  3. jeg skal også ha et board chef.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. duuuude.. it was nice to meet you.
    nice work man, just like always. keep rocking...

  6. ouh I am the that dude that should have a wolf face in profile picture haha..
