Monday, October 19, 2009

The Black Rider

I got me a new set of wheels...FROM HELL!!!
It's not like I have given in to the cult of fixies (that would be the death of really...I would kill myself on one of those) but I really wanted something that wasn't killing me every time I had to get to the shop in a hurry. My other big bike, that I am keeping for transport purposes, is really heavy to ride which is nice when you are cruising but when you just want to get somewhere fast...well, then it's not really all that awesome.
The thought of a faster bike had been brewing in my head for a while but when I saw a picture of my friend Matthias' new black bike (also check out his crazy Bike crew) I was in love. I had just written him a mail, telling him that I was thinking about getting a faster bike, when I went for a walk with Lucifer and decided to go in and talk to the local bike shop about a bike for Amalie. That went so well that I decided to talk to him about something for me. I turn around and there is a black bike staring at me. It was a sign!! Nice, black, cheap and nothing too fancy but still made well. So without thinking to much about it (or at all) I heard myself say; "I'll take it!!"
So today he had finished it and given it the black handle that I wanted. Now, there still is a few things that could be made black but that might happen later. I would like to get rid of the fenders as well to make it look more simple and nice but since there most likely will be a lot of rain in the next couple of months, I think I will keep them on for now. Now I just have get used to ride on a real bike and I can't wait to take it for a real ride, full speed ahead with Goatwhore blasting in my ears...or maybe Judas Priest, painkiller!


  1. Tillykke med din nye cykel fra helvede! Den er fin! Se jeg har jo set din (gamle) cykel og tænkt mig, at jeg skulle høre dig om den! Den må være god at transportere alskens shit på! Sådan en må jeg ud og finde! Jeg har nemlig meget lort, der trænger til at blive transporteret!

  2. Tak tak! Jamen den gamle er nemlig god til at transportere mange ting. Det kommer jo også an på hvor store ting man skal køre med. Ellers kan man jo bare få sat et lad foran men hvis man vil ha lidt tungere ting så tror jeg det var et sted der hed

  3. if satan had a bike, it'd look like that! ;)

    name it 'the bike of doom!' :) x

  4. There you go boy, there you go....You are now in league with Satan...minus the fenders. Simple is the key and evil is the way.

    Stay heavy


  5. eeeh hvor er den sort, pas nu paa du ikke kommer til skade paa det fartmonster

  6. "Who needs a god when you've got SATAN!!!" GOatwhore uber alles!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Damn right guys and thanks!!

    Jen2...that's totally my favourite part!! Most metal lyric ever!!

  9. dude! bike is rad! i have a rusty one like it called the destroyer!666
