Thursday, October 1, 2009

This is from London, i'nit

from the taxi.

There was a lot of taking pictures of people taking pictures this weekend.

Me on the tube

Hata...sooo hot right now, Hata!

Another camera shot

...And a nother...

Model shoot with the faaaamous new model Hata.

Me at the marked sunday morning.

Amalies getting her picture taken by Anki...and me

Here we go again...with the camera shots...Hanna da kapt'n, i'nit

multiple London poses by Kent


Amalie and her awesome birdnest hat that she made.

1 comment:

  1. Wow mand Hunter ligner jo en hjemloes med alt det fjaes haar. Fede billeder ellers, surt at i ikke fik boards'ne med :(
