Wednesday, November 18, 2009


For some reason I always end up doing things differently while I am here in Japan. Not that that is a bad thing. Just funny I think. Rei always goes; Every time Japan, you change style. So many details.

This time has been a good mix of more detailed than I usually do and some more simple than I usually do.

These tattoos are from the last two days. The two big ones both came alllll the way from Australia to get tattooed and mr Pyramid came from Nagoya. Awesome guys!

Today is a day of and tomorrow we will have to go to Osaka for a one day Tattoo Event...not really stoked about that but we do it for the Rats.


  1. that watch and the rose on the owl tat are sick!

  2. that tattoo puts the lemon in lemon's lemon....


  3. I am just happy you adjust and develop to the more detailed art, smaller needles, tighter and so. It is just for my own sake though I today exactly talked about THAT about having my right side of the body less 14' and old school then my left side is, more or less already!
    Jaja, I really love all this stuff from Japan! Keep doin' the right thing!

  4. Hej Allan Dejligt at se du får arbejdet -både på dig selv og andre! Sindsygt flot!
    Nogle af dine smukke værker er i godt selvskab på min ynglings foto blog:

  5. Pyramid + eye = FAIL

    Satan is weak.
