Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The fat guy in red and white came back...

I have been getting a lot of spam comments lately here on my blog. I found out that most of them was on post that had something with any type of holiday in the headline so I am afraid that I will have to put on the capture thingy for comments but I hope that you guys will ignore that and keep giving me your comments and input.

Any way... the fat guy... also known as the mailman (who did you think it was?) came with a nice present for me. Well it wasn't from him but from my german buddy
Dennis who had build me a new machine! Like it wasn't enough that he had build me one machine a couple of years back but he thought that it needed company so he had decided to build me this beauty. The run awesome and looks just as awesome! Thanks Dennis!! That was some surprise!! You rock!


  1. thats a beautiful machine. And love the new work btw..

  2. yep, i have, and get some new from dennis next weeks. its a custom- machine with own design. i love this machines, you´r lucky man too !

  3. Awesome-o !!!
    Hello from China !! Miss you guys like way lots !!!! Take care out in the West !!!

  4. REALLY nice work!
    With your tag and everything, haha :)

  5. Sweet! they look great. Sadly the fat guy only brings me bills that need paying! :(

  6. The link for this machine building dennis does not work. Where can I see more of his machines?

  7. Adrian...try again now. It should work
