Thursday, January 28, 2010

I love you, but goodbye

I forgot something, or someone in my last post about the playlist... Go see who here on my wifes blog because she remembere...cross cross reference!!

Today I finally got my Tom Waits Glitter and Doom!! AWESOME!!
I also got The XX on vinyl and Marissa Nadler on cd. Don't know it yet but it sounded pretty good at the store so we will see.


  1. ooh, I can't wait to hear that one too! I've heard only good things!

  2. I LOVE MR WAITS! purely in a heterosexual way (with benefits of course, you do not, i repeat, DO NOT say no to tom...thats what i call him, no big deal.)

    i unfortunately have not heard this album, but i assume it is a masterpiece.

  3. Well you guys have to get the speciel edition then. It comes with a bonus cd with more than half an hour of Tom Tales...storys from the stage. This Live album is soooo good and I wish that I could have been there.
    Michael, I know...You just don't! Right?

  4. Tom Waits as the Devil in the Dr.Parnassus movie, nicerz
