Sunday, May 2, 2010

And the winner is...

...US!!! Why? Because when we tried to check in on our flight home tomorrow the system couldn't find our names. A bit of panic started to build up in my head. On my Iphone I went into my inbox to find the tickets and there it was! The winner number. MAY 4!! Not the 3rd as we have thought all along!! Whaaat!! An extra day in Tokyo? Yes please! So tonight we went to almost goodbye dinner with our friends. We are already all packed and ready to go so no need to spend more time on that. The weather today has been amazing and I have been in tshirt ALL day... all day till now at midnight. The weather report says that it will be just as good tomorrow. AWESOMENESS!
So it will be a day or two more before the real post including pictures and stuff will show up here on the blog.

Tomorrow more hanging out so I will most likely be blogging from Denmark next time.

Here is a little something that we enjoyed today:


  1. They have holes in their jeans ...

    They must be rebels ! Happy extra day , day !!!

  2. that´s an ugly video, but the girls are cute ! :-)

  3. Whey thats the latest Naruto ending credits song LoL

  4. This happened to me the last time I went to work in Sweden.... But our flight had left the day before.
