Saturday, May 17, 2008

Number 4...I really need to come up with better headlines!

Yesterday turned out to be a good day for the blog...meaning a lot to post. I like having a place like this where I can post work that I wouldn't put in my portfolio because it doesn't represent my style. But just because it's something that I normally would do differently doesn't mean that I'm not happy with it. So here is a few pieces that won't make it to my portfolio or my myspace (which is more or less my online portfolio) but that I had a lot of fun with just because it is something different that what i normally do.

Started the day with Thomas Aka Spy Thomas. We are doing a ...hmmm...Tarot card, Illuminati, occult, mystic symbol lower arm on him. This is the start and later we will fill it with more scrumptious mysticism. It has the look of my work but still a lot different from my normal tattoos so here it is...on the brand new Bloooog!! Thanks to this fabulous place, this piece will be shown and not just end up in a dusty storage room...I mean, my computer (going a little Indiana Jones crazy here).
..I just realized that I have compromised the secret identity of Spy Thomas with this post...ohh well!!
Up next was alias for this dude...
I did the panther a while back but like Thomas' piece it was just one of those pieces that really
didn't fit in with what I do. I just really like the Old school-ness of it and I normally don't make my tattoos THAT old school. We talked about it doing the session, how funny it is that people travel far to get my style and that's all i do but then he comes to get something completly different. He just want something über traditional but i guess still with my touch on it. Anyway, it is fun for me to be able to do something traditional like this and not having to force my look onto the piece.

So this time he wanted a traditional peacock so i decided to look to one of the masters for inspiration...more like stealing this time. Ok ok I bluntly stole one of Sailor Jerry's peacocks from one of the flash books that I have. I did change it a bit...a bit...and I did ad a rose and stuff!! Well here it is! Again, without this blog I would never have posted it anywhere!
So that was what I did at work yesterday! How was your day, hon?

Later we had a shop trip to The Rock to see Hatesphere.

Now i try to get something out of my weekend. Hopefully that will result in a blog with paintings and photos and stuff later! Have nice weekend!


  1. Mmmmm, denne her blog bliver bedre og bedre!
    Elsker påfugl!

  2. all of your work is simply amazing!
