Sunday, May 18, 2008

Number 5...nope..still nothing!


I actually managed to do finish a painting today!! I havn't had time or energy to do anything lately but today I did!! First I drew my wife's next tattoo. We were supposed to do it today but it took a while to agree on the look and to draw it so it would have been late before we would have finished...maybe next weekend. BUT the drawing is done so from here on it should be smooth sailing.

Since we didn't tattoo it I had time to do some other things that I haven't had time to do. I got to work on my good ol friend, Antler Lady III. She has been waiting for me to finish her for quite some time now so it was about time that we got her done. Since I always manage to put my arms in the wet ink a was extra careful to take some small drying breaks here and there. That time was well spend here in front of my computer, answering some of all those emails that always piles up doing the week...still some left, I'm affright! I also found some time to add a few links here to this blog. More to come but i added some photographers that I really like and who's work inspire me a lot.
But back to the main event of the day... Mrs . Antler III.
She is the 3rd of a series of 3...hence the last name..hmrr! There were supposed to be more but i am affright that the last ones will just be fillers so for now this is it! They are finally they are: May I Present to you The Antler Ladies:

Mrs. Antler The 1st.

Mrs. Antler II.

The latest addition to the family:
Mrs Antler III.

It feels good to know that you have finished this last gal! She has been on my drawing table, staring at me every time I walked by! No more!

Good Night!