Monday, March 2, 2015

News with news on it!!

It has once again been waaaaaaay to long. I just spend the last many hours updating the shop blog with upcoming guests and new travel/convention dates for me. I will tell you more about all this on this blog as soon as I get some time to do so but until then please go see I can reveal that there is travel dates for Japan in April-May, 3 conventions I will be on and a guestspot in New York. As I said... more details here soon. 

Since last time, I have been to Norway. I have been to the Brighton Convention. The shop renovation/makeover has begun and now I am facing a busy month of redoing/moving upstairs to my real apartment while having the shop full of friends and guests and trying to find some time to pimp the shop. It's all very exciting and awesome but also kinda stressing... in a good way but still. 
I hope you will bare with me and be patient as I once again disappear, hopefully to be back with exciting updates and detail about all these new adventures. 

Ok ok one picture then... But then I'm out of here...

See you all soon!!

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