So! To get back into the blogness here is some pictures from brighter times. These gems is part one of two posts from my day with Shige and his family in the most amazing garden and one of Shiges favourite places. Those of you who reads my wifes blog have already seen pictures from this garden since it has become one of the places that she will visit while I am getting tattooed by Shige for hours and hours.
After my last session on this trip we stayed an extra day in Yokohama to hang out with Shinge and Co. Amalie had gotten a bad case of food poisoning so all she could do was stay at the hotel and sleep and try to get better so I went out alone.
The garden is truly amazing. I have chosen to let this first post focus on the amazing colours there is to be found here. Since there is so many different tree sorts to be found in Japanese gardens there is a mix of colours specielly around fall. Well see for your self. an

Hope you enjoyed the pictures.
I promise I will try to squeeze in as much tattoo/art related stuff as I can but there will be a lot of photography coming this here way. Hang in there tattoo lovers.
Also...we bought tubes today to send the Sataninc Antler lady print so we will be back soon with prices and info about how to buy the last few limited prints.
Lorte flotte møg lorte billeder...
Skumle skumle...
Awsome pics Allan!
Dear David
they are all so pretty, but 2,8,9 and 10 are my favourite!
great shot of the grasshopper, well done catching that one! x
the colours in that garden came out amazing! excellent work as usual
Amazing colours.......hope you had an awesome time!
Now thats an autum tree i like in the colouring...
Fick du gjort nån ny tattoo i Tokyo? Satt på samma flyg hem från Tokyo som er. Kunde godt genkende dina hals tattoos. Hoppas ni hade en lika bra resa som oss.
I love the sailor rabbit you did up for my friend, will you happen to be back in tokyo in late feb? I would love to get something done up by you.
flotte billeder allan! Elsker de farver!
jeg har endlig faaet min fra min Trans sibirsk tur fremkalt, du kanne se de bedste her..
hislen Johann
Hi Danske bro
I Singapore to get a proper work visa for Thailand. Will be there till March at least. A new chapter is taking place.
Hey, just wanted to tell you that I like the last images from that hidden garden treasure. Keep it up, the force is with you...the dark side is a mighty weapon.
Mattias The Swede
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