It was nice to hear from you.
Thanks for all the feedback on my last post. I am happy that so many of you took the time to write me a comment on what you liked about this blog o' mine. Please don't stop dropping by with feedback or to say hi or what ever. It is always nice to hear from you and to see that there is someone on the other side of the blog. I was happy to hear that a lot of you didn't just come here for the tattoos because I wanted to make this blog a place for all my doings. If I just wanted to post tattoos I would have stuck with updating my myspace. So to you who only come for the tattoos: Sorry, there will be a lot of other things coming this way. I always hope to put more photographs up here and soooon there will be a lot from this trip as soon as I have time to edit them. For those of you who come here for different stuff: I will try to post more frequently with different things to look at.
There will still be lots and lots of tattoos to look at since that is what I do most of the time and here is two pictures right now!!
From the Osaka event.
The last part of the Australian invasion. Today is pretty much the last day for me to go shopping and looking around in Tokyo. Tomorrow will be spend in pain again at Shiges and friday will be spend hanging out with Shige and his family and then it is our last day before going home on Sunday. I will therefore leave you with another thank you for getting back to me and see you soon.
have a good painfull day, my minds are still with you, Sir !!!
god session hos Shige og god tur hjem ad når i kommer til det. jeg smutter down under på fredag. vi ses i kbh i det nye år. høj femmer!
Absolutely love all the posts! the photos are so interesting its like Tattoo Artist Magazine/National Geographic mixed with a culture magazine!!! cheers
you're so humble, thats real good. get more cameras and take more photos please
Australian Invasion for the win :)
The blog is amazing. Always some new sweet photos. Whether they be of tattoos or not. You should plan a trip to Australia, your art is definitely appreciated over here.
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