We have had a bunch of Febuary cancelations which isn't that unusual for Febuary. We have a list of people who are just waiting to get new appointments and usually we can rely on them to fill in any gap there might be or I use it as a day of for drawings or something but since we are in the middle of fixing up a new shop we kinda need to make some greeeeens. So we have been trying to get some of said people from said list to fill the gaps but people are waiting for days before getting back to Amalie about these days which makes planning a calender really hard specielly on the dates that get canceled in the last minute. I don't expect people to drop everything they are doing but please, if you get offered an appointment then PLEASE let Amalie know if you want it, might want it, can't make it or what ever, right away so she knows if she need to find someone else for the date. I will hate to make stupid rules for these kinda things but people are really wasting her time (not all of you) by just not getting back to her. There has been a lot of moving people back and forth for other personal reasons too so all of Febuary is already a mess. We also had to cancel the Milan convention this year which also released 3 dates so there is plenty of holes to be filled. So again I ask you (who are waiting to get an appointment and will be offered one) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get back to Amalie right away when you have gotten offered an appointment. Don't wait 2 or more days before getting back because we don't have time to wait that long so for now we will wait max 1 day (from when the mail has been read) before we give it to someone else. Sorry that it has to be like that but I can't afford to waste more time and Amalie have more important things to worry about so please help us out.
I know there will be some people thinking; why havn't I gotten any dates offered. Well it isn't everyone who will fit into these cancelations and I am affraid that there is also some people who are waiting for touchup sessions that will have to wait till we don't have an expencive shop to fix. Sorry about that.
Sorry for the rant here and I also want to say thanks to those of you who really tries to move things around to come and get tattooed in the last minute! You guys rock.
To soften up this rant, here is what I started last friday.
so pretty!
really wish I could come over and get tattooed and help you guys out :( x
Typisk at jeg skal være knocked the fuck up, når der endelig er en aflysning! Ellers skulle jeg gerne tage en tid eller tre!
Håber folk strammer op!
Jeez... Det må sgu være en underlig situation for dig. Jeg mener, sidst du tegnede på mig måtte du fortælle want-to-be-kunder at du ikke to nogen ind to år frem...
Anyways, jeg ville gerne sige at jeg er ked af at vi står for et par af afbudne, men det kan jeg ikke sige og mene... Jeg er så bare ærgelig over at jeg ikke har penge til at få lavet en ekstra, når nu chancen er der...
Nå, held og lykke med at få fyldt pladserne...
and by the way, .. i´ld like
to listen to "Slayer" next time.
No "Beasty Boys"
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