I have yet again neglected you guys but I have been trying to give you something else instead. I have been focusing so much on trying to get my Youtube channel rolling and I still need your help with this! Please, if you aren't already, go subscribe to the channel HERE. It means a lot to me and it will help me making the channel better and reach a bigger audience. So please go subscribe, share the channel any way and any where you can. I really really appreciate it!
I have been trying to become better at filming and editing so that it will be something to look forward to look at! I am trying. And I am learning something new about the whole process every time I sit down to do a new edit. So stick with me and be a part of the Vlog gang from the start and see it grow to something great!
To stay on the subject of the channel, I want to ask you guys about what you want to see.
With the big USA motorcycle trip coming up, I have been watching a ton of review videos on gear, bags, packing tips etc. and a lot of it is shit... and a few helpfull. Seriously, I don't need to see you open a box with a bag in it! I need to hear what you think about it and what it is good for! So I have been thinking that it could be interesting for some to see how we will go about packing for this trip and what gear we use and what works for us and the trip we are heading out on. So let me know what you think. Should I do some more in depth videos on stuff like that?
Right now I am waiting to hear back from a bag company that sounds pretty much perfect for my packing of photo gear as well as the normal things like clothes. It has been the hardest task to find a bag that works as a travel bag, a photo bag and a motorcycle bag but I might have found it! I have reached out to them and hope that they want to do a collaboration with me on this. Hopefully that could be the beginning on something awesome! We will see.
My friend Sascha and Vater Und Sohn have already send me a goodie bag for the trip! Thank you brother! See the video HERE.
Speaking of the trip... go follow us on Instagram HERE.
We will obviously be posting photos from the trip but we will also be sharing info there on where we will be next, where you can come hang with us, where to come buy us a beer or give us a highfive or maybe come ride out with us. So Please go follow and spread the word!
I am almost done with a batch of photos from the Thailand trip so drop by my photoblog HERE.
Hope you will like the photos there. Would you guys follow a Uncle Allan photo profile on instagram? I realise that most people are following the unclea profile for the tattoos but I would like to share more of the photos I do without feeling guilty for sharing NON-tattoo photos. What do you think?
Ok, we can't have a post without some tattoos in it, now can we? So here is a random drop of some more or less recent tattoos I did. I better stop this survey post before I bore you to death! But guys! Please give me some feedback on these things either in the comments here, on my own instagram or the Motor Running or my Youtube channel. I would love to hear from you and to know if there is anyone out there still.
But since you like tattoos so much, go check out one of the videos on my youtube channel with me tattooing... I will make it easy for you.. just press HERE