A great thanks to all our friends around the world, all our customers who have been awesome, to all our families and to our old and new partners in crime, (Nick and Eckel). A great thanks to everybody who have helped and still help us make Conspiracy Inc. what it is (and clean).
A great thanks to all you people I don't know and havn't met but who keep coming back to this here blog to check in on me and my doings. Thanks for the support and kind words.
I'm gonna finish this years last post with some picture from around the world. They are from my last 4 rolls of film that has been to London, California, Copenhagen, Bisserup and Tokyo. Some of you might have seen some of them before on my guestblog post on Youngs blog. For the rest of you... here you go.

We are looking forward to see you all in 2010.
Happy New Year