Sunday, January 8, 2012

Under the sign of... part II

Photo from my trip to Norway. Fantoft church

My plan about booking stuff for my Satan/Black Metal book in march has already shown to be a great idea. Most of March is now booked with awesome stuff to put in my book. BUT... 
There is still a lot of things that I want to do and some things that I have enough of. There has to be a limit to how many goats I can do in one month and have in one book... although I seem to come up with new ways to do them all the time. This is not me saying that I am done with goat. I love doing them I just feel that I need to do some other designs for this project.

There is still some days and spots left to fill with evil awesomeness so don't hesitate to write me with ideas.
I have tried to make a list of basic ideas and keywords of the things I really want to do. My goal is to have all my material collected in July so if there should be someone with a really awesome idea but won't be able to make it in march I MIGHT be able to fit you in later... but it has to be good... really good.

So here is the list of things I really really want to do. Most of it I imagine done in a really really simple traditional style. Most of it few colors like black, red, maybe yellow or green. Some of it can be mixed with other things for those of you who neeeeeed a rose or a skull... or even a goat. Yes sure, I will do a goat IF it is mixed with a "portrait" of a member of a Black Metal band. HA! Ok here it is...

- Classic traditional girls faces with corpse paint. Maybe spikes or something

- Naked witch-like girls with corpse paint

- Those cheesy baby angles (cherubs)... but with corpse paint

- mystical Satanic/devil figures with symbols around them (Super simple and graphic style)

- Band members made traditional. (Varg/Burzum, Gorgoroth, Immortal, Darkthrone, 1349, Carpathian Forest, Mayhem etc) Yes, roses can be added here but standing alone will also look really cool.  

- Made-up black metal faces/persons. Maybe with weapons and spikes.

- Seriously... I really want to do some band members!! Like the ones on the flash page!!

- Nature stuff. Trees and moons and bones and shit. Runes maybe.

- Covers like Darkthrone: Transilvanian Hunger, A blaze in the northern sky, Panzerfaust, Under a funeral moon. Burzum: Filosofem, Burzum, Hvis lyset tar oss. Mayhem Live in Leipzig. Carpathian Forrest: We are going to hell for this, Through Chasm, caves and titan woods. etc. 
Some albums have cool artwork for the songs inside the covers as well... this leeds to the next:

- Reference to song titles. We can write a title with evil letters and then something that goes with it.

- Did I mention people from bands? You know... like simple portraits?

- Stuff with band names like a sheep head on a pole and Gorgoroth written or naked crucified people as reference to their live show.

I'm also still open for your own ideas because I keep coming up with stuff and then forget it again so just bring it!

So Email me if you want to have something done for the book. Come on... you know you want to!!

Here is a little motivational video from one of my favorite bands 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Under the sign of...

Happy new year all.

As I wrote in my last post, I need your help. You might havn't read it and I understand... there were no pictures to look at or anything so I'll explain.

I am putting together stuff for a new book project. The main theme will be Black Metal and everything related or inspired by this. I don't wanna get into why and what right now since that will take too long and besides, you cane read it when you buy the book, wink wink.

The book will be a bit of everything that I do. Everything from photos, paintings, Illustrations, doodles and yes, tattoos.

So here is what I need from you. I want to make a big batch of tattoos specially made for this book. By specially I mean that they fit in the theme and therefor has to fit certain criteria.
You don't have to be on my waiting list to get in on this action so if you want to skip 2 years of waiting list and want to have something evil black metalish done then here is your chance. I will reserve as much of March as possible for this. I obviously need to book March with work so please get back to me about this and appointments as fast as possible, so that I can plan everything.
So here is how it's gonna work:

1) It has to be somehow related to or inspired by Black Metal!
This can be everything from an interpretation of a cover (no reproductions, but my way of drawing it), something with corpse paint, something inspired by a song or lyric, burning churches, "portraits" of members of bands, satan stuff and crap... please just feel free to think of things here. The better the idea the bigger the chance to get a spot. If you aren't sure about your idea then shoot me a mail about it and we will see where we can take it. I can come up with tons of cool ideas but I really want to see where you guys can take it. You can also choose to just give me a spot, size and a few keywords like favorite album, singer, cover, band, image etc and I'll figure out something. Go nuts and evil.

2) I need to be a one session piece
... ABSOLUTELY MAX 2 sessions IF we can finish it in March.
This means that it shouldn't be too big. But everything from palm size to a one session up to 7-8 hours is cool.

3) It needs to be on a spot where I can get a good photo of it.
This means no strange angles between to many other tattoos. Please give me a good spot to work with here. No hands or necks since it is illegal to do in Denmark. No feet since they ALLWAYS photograph badly.

4) Be prepared to let me change details about the design
... so I can make sure that I can use it for this project. This usually isn't a problem with any of my customers...just wanted to make it clear anyway.

The tattoos I will do here won't be published anywhere until they have been printed in this book to make sure that there is something new to look at for the tattoo lovers.
When emailing about appointments make sure to include a few possible dates to make it easier and faster to book everybody in.

I really really hope that there is a lot of you who wants to be a part of this. I will make a little special something for those of you who gets tattooed for this project as a thank you.

So come on people!!! Put on some corpse paint, your favorite Burzum album on the record player and start thinking about what you can get tattooed and then email me asap!!
Normally all bookings goes through Amalie but since I have to check the ideas and stuff you'll have to email me.

Here is a little inspiration to what you can do with the theme. This piece of flash was made specially for the London convention. These designs are inspired by the bands Carpathian Forest, Darkthrone, Gorgoroth and 1349.