Wednesday, March 11, 2009


It is 1 at night and we almost just got home from work...gotta draw a Beastie Boys owl...Werd!

Just a few words to update ya'll what goes down in Uncle town:

Eagles Of Death Metal ROCKED last night!!!

Two new tattoos that are much different than what I usually do coming up...when I get time...

Check out my amazing wifes blog. She has some great post about our upcoming trip to Japan. I wish that I could write something like that but I can't as well as her so just go read hers! You rock!!

YES we are going to Japan soon and I can't wait!! Now seriously go read Amalies blog!

I finished lining Marcus sleeve with radioactive bas and octopus fighting a fisherman...awesome...and I just realised that I DIDN'T post about that before...well it's cool. Trust me.

That's it...

Now I have to draw. Got a tight schedule tomorrow.

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