Kyō wa suiyōbi desu
So this was the last day of the super Tattoo Madness part of the trip. Still have a few more pieces to do but it will be easy compared to this week of making one Trooper/Super Trooper (6 hours/8 hours) after the other. I am telling you, they must put something in the water in Australia because we are talking 9 and 9,5 hours with no complains. One guy even got two tattoos with one day apart and was still talking about going for the highest of titles next time... JEDI KNIGHT! That's right! 11 hours! That, my friends, is the true trooper spirit!
Well let's get to the pictures, shall we and why not start with this young Padawan.
We started with his upper arm. Do to rough Jedi skin it took me longer than I had hoped for so it will have to wait until April to be finished and blogged. He still made it way past Super Trooper on that one. He did, however, finish his Trooper titled piece a couple of days after.
In between his mad sessions we managed to find the time to make a Trooper worthy tattoo on his girlfriend. Can't go wrong with a classic like an owl. Specially if you slap some antlers on it!

The next Aussie couples didn't hold back on their Trooperness either!
Ladies first!
This is a little tribute to her cat. She wanted her cat to have a Venetian mask on and riding a carousel horse. It ended up looking like this after more than 9 hours.
Matt here had his whole arm lined and shaded two days in a row by Shige. Even though that still wasn't fully healed yet he still didn't hesitate (much) to get a huge neck piece AND a palm done. ATTENTION: Palms will NOT be a new thing for me to do. This was the first time and I did it to try it out and since he REALLY wanted me to do it. The deal was that he gave me a spot where I could do a nice tattoo so he at least would have something nice to show from me in case it fell out or blew up or something. And since the rest of his skin was already spoken for to get a bodysuit then we were left with the neck. Some of you might know that I am not the biggest fan of doing neck. It sucks. But to my luck Matt had the best neck skin in the world and that allowed me to do one of the biggest neck tattoo that I have ever done.
We were supposed to do both his palms but we figured that after 5 hours of tattooing on the neck one hand would do. We also just wanna see how that goes and if everything is good we will do the other before we leave.
This idea was Amalies idea. See, I was looking for something mystical/occult/secret to do on this hand since he is getting the pyramid with the all seeing eye on the other. She came up with doing a rose so you could lift your hand and talk "Sub Rosa". Press the link to read about that. Cool idea babe! I googled a bit and came up with this simple 5 leafed rose like they used in the churches.
Last up is this little fellow! I was a bit concerned at first because he only had this spot to give me. Between upper and lower arm on a skinny dude with two cool Matt Sharmah tattoos on both insides. On top of that he wanted it to get a pyramid with an eye. Ok, one more then. It ended up being a really cool piece if you ask me. I am super stoked about them all and you guys have all been good company.
This dude didn't make it to Trooper though, since it didn't take that long. Still think he did a good job any way. Maybe next time when I come back.
I am falling asleep while typing now so I think I will go to bed now.
There might be some pictures coming up tomorrow since it is a day off but we do have plans so only maybe.
I love the way tattooed palms look when it's done as well as you do :)
but it looks fucking painful!!
Your work while you've been in Japan has been so amazing.
yes wow! Great work. I feel like you are getting better all the time!!
Although I know that hand tattoos are really not your style, that one looks like it came out really well.
Damn, I need to book with you next time you're in California. These are all pure gold. LOVE.
DU er så pisse god - det er virkelig FLOT!! Det hele!
iiiiih glæder mig til dame på ben! Håber Tokyo er gode ved jer!
Holy hell, Allan... your work on this trip is knocking it out of the park. Wow, seriosuly... this is some of your best work ever. Nice one.
Alan you leg-end!
we have a young padawan amongst the ranks. 9 and a half.. well done! but be wary you still have alot to learn about the ways of a Jedi Knight.
luke skywalker
Thanks! It was kinda fun to try and I just hope it will stay in there.
Evan T:
Well I do try. Would suck if I didn't learn something new all the time. But it has been a nice change to be back in Japan so that might have been it. Hope I can take it back home with me.
Purrfect Pinapples:
Thank you! I will be back so I will try to keep you in mind... although you got the LAST cult banger ha ha!
Japan er altid god ved os...specielt min mave...
Matt V:
Thanks duder!
I am aiming for Lengen.. wait for it....dary!
Luke S. Well next time there might be one more J Knight among the few and brave but we will see.
Very niice blog you have here
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